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AA Founders and Old Timers

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AA Longtimers
sku#: T034
Jersey City, NJ
Bob B - Monclair, NJ
Laverne W - Brooklyn, NY
Joe B - Woodbridge, NJ
Harold R - Manhattan, NY
Ann H - Toaco, NJ
Phil R - Belleville, NJ
Pat R - Houston, TX
July 4, 2004
7 Tapes


11th International AA Convention - Minneapolis, MN
sku#: M061-OT
Old Timers Meeting
July 2000
2 tapes


11th International AA Convention - Minneapolis, MN
sku#: M061-OP
Opening Meeting
July 2000
2 tapes


11th International AA Convention - Minneapolis, MN
sku#: M061-CL
Closing Meeting
July 2000
2 tapes


10th International AA Convention - San Diego, CA
sku#: M060-OT
Old Timers Meeting
July 1995
2 tapes


10th International AA Convention - San Diego, CA
sku#: M060-OP
Opening Meeting
July 1995
2 tapes


10th International AA Convention - San Diego, CA
sku#: M060-CL
Closing Meeting
July 1995
2 tapes


63rd anniversary of the Big Book
sku#: M057
Laurie L
Addie H (sybil C daughter)
Searcy W
Bob S, Jr.
2 Tapes


Ebby T - The Albany Connection
sku#: M055
Mel B (author on Ebby) - Toledo, OH
Searcy W (Ebby's sponsor) - Dallas, TX
2 Tapes


The First Woman to Achieve Lasting Sobriety in AA
sku#: M054
Marty M - New York, NY
Founded National Council on Alcoholism
2 Tapes


The 60th Anniversary of the Big Book
sku#: M053mp3
Four Old-Timers share how it was many years ago.
Jim H - 65 years in Oxford Groups, Searcy W - 53 years in AA
Ruth O'N - 58 years in AA (treated by Dr. Silkworth
Bob S (Dr. Bob's Son)- 20 years in Al-Anon
Download 2 mp3's


The 60th Anniversary of the Big Book
sku#: M053
Four Old-Timers share how it was many years ago.
Jim H - 65 years in Oxford Groups, Searcy W - 53 years in AA
Ruth O'N - 58 years in AA (treated by Dr. Silkworth
Bob S (Dr. Bob's Son)- 20 years in Al-Anon
2 tapes


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