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Healing Through Therapy

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Terence Gorski - Personality Disorders and Chemical Dependency 1996
sku#: P009
Basic principles for treatment planning with dual recovery clients who are suffering from chemical dependency and related personality disorders, mental disorders, and situation life problems.
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Brief Therapy for Relapse Prevention 1996 Rochester, NY
sku#: P008
Compares the current clinical styles to the brief therapy model
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Brief Therapy for Relapse Prevention 1996 Somerset, NJ
sku#: P007
Compares the current clinical styles to the brief therapy model
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Relapse Prevention for Chemical Dependency 1993
sku#: P006
Discusses the managed care environment and outpatient programs
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Getting Love Right 1992
sku#: P005
Discusses healthy & dysfunctional relationships for singles and couples
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Personality Styles and Relapse Prevention 1992
sku#: P004
For CACs & other professionals; integrates DSM-IIIR.Discusses the personality styles of return to chemical use.
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - CENAPS Model of Relaps Prevention 1991
sku#: P003
Contains the descriptions of the phases and warning signs of relapse
3 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Relationship Building and Transforming: Levels of Platonic and Erotic Love 1991
sku#: P002
The focus is on healthy relationships on all levels - acquaintanceship, companionship, friendship, romantic love and commitments.
4 Tapes


Terence Gorski - Intimate Relationships 1985
sku#: P001
How to build healthy, Intimate relationships within the parameters of recovery.
4 tapes


The Rules for Marriage (Abridged Reading)
sku#: CDP058mp3
Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider
Narration by the authors of The New York Times #1 bestseller, "The Rules", featuring time-tested secrets for making your marriage work.
Download 2 mp3s


The Rules for Marriage (Abridged Reading)
sku#: CDP058
Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider
Narration by the authors of The New York Times #1 bestseller, "The Rules", featuring time-tested secrets for making your marriage work.
2 CD's


The Rules II (Abridged Reading)
sku#: CDP057mp3
Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider
A reading by the authors of the sequel to The New York Times #1 bestseller, "The Rules", featuring more time-tested secrets to capture the heart of Mr. Right
Download 2 mp3s


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